Tag Archive | culture

A Culture of Grace

This post is a part of the Five Minute Friday link up. We write for just 5 minutes on a 1-word prompt, without heavy editing, and see what happens. Today’s prompt is “culture.”

If culture is what you’re surrounded by, then make mine a culture of grace, please.

I want to be known for always showing grace, but unfortunately, I fall far short way too many times.

blossoms & buds

My daughter used to complain that, when she cleaned her room, all I would notice was what was still undone rather than the massive amounts that had been done. And when my husband would stop by the grocery store for me, I would notice the one thing that he got wrong rather than the multitudes he had gotten right. I’ve gotten better at that. I make a conscious effort to be grateful.

But just the other day I said something to my daughter that shot her down after she had experienced a personal victory that she wanted to celebrate with me.

I missed it completely.


I have since repented to her and she has forgiven me, but what I would like to figure out is why I lean toward that in the first place.

Is it the copyeditor in me, trained to find the smallest thing that is wrong? Honestly, it could be, but whereas the goal is no errors on the printed page, there will always be plenty of mistakes in life. Jesus came in grace and truth. I want to be like Jesus.

There is a time for truth, couched in love, but there is always an abundance of grace.


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